Wednesday, July 30, 2014

P90x3 day 3--Yoga

I wasn't excited for yoga. I kinda hate it. Not really HATE hate, but it's boring. I like to run around while exercising and yoga has never quite done it for me. I don't think I ever did the entire one in the first p90x video. Couldn't handle it for that long. I've always been pretty flexible so that wasn't the issue. It hurt my wrist too much so I never wanted to trigger the tendonitis stuff. Me and downward dog weren't friends. boring.

I'm also not interested in being able to do this.
I'm flexible, but ain't nobody got time for that, amiright?

I was pleasantly surprised by the yoga video this morning. There was a lot of downward dog, but I tried to stay more conscious of not keeping that hand down at a bad angle. Overall it went pretty well. Wasn't nearly as boring previous yoga experiences. Some moves I was on top of right away and others will be a little challenging to get the hang of for a little bit. Even though I wasn't sweating much, I feel like I got a good workout in and though it may sound lazy, the cool-down was my favorite part. I was so relaxed by the end of it, I could've laid on that mat all day.

I'm going to be honest though, my butt hurts so bad. I don't think it's from the yoga--I think it's from the agility workout. Holy moly. I was waddling at work today and I'm pretty sure I didn't actually bend my knees while walking. I loved it, but good heavens.

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